Our solutions
With our expertise in the field of silo cleaning services, we offer tailored solutions to solve any clogging and concretion problems within your storage units. Indeed, many industrial users of bulk powder products find themselves sooner or later faced with a clogging issue. Materials will prevent their proper discharge, adhering to the walls of silos and hoppers.
Our solutions meet stringent safety standards. It avoids rope access work and also having any human presence inside silos.
Depending on whether your problem involves clogging of a silo/hopper or natural or accidental deposition of material to be removed, we offer 3 cleaning solutions:
The articulated arm which rotates to 360° of the Gironet eliminates your chimney problems. You will then be able to regain all your storage capacity safely without disruption to your industrial process. The Gironet is available in different versions to tackle all types of material: pneumatic version, pneumatic and hydraulic ATEX.
Depending on the volume to be vacuumed, our team offers vacuum solution amongst the following: